BusinessGroup wrapped object with camel case properties. Each properties maps to a field on the SObject that has _ for each capital letter. Ex. (iconLocation -> Icon_Location__c)
Maps To: OrderApi__Business_Group__c

Separate groups or business entities to facilitate clear reporting on business lines and/or entities.

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method and Description
void BusinessGroup()
void getInstance()
void getInstance(OrderApi__Business_Group__c BusinessGroup)
void getInstance(OrderApi__Business_Group__c[] BusinessGroups)
void fromSObject(SObject BusinessGroupObj)
void toSObject()

Method Detail

This class supports the following methods:

global BusinessGroup()

global static BusinessGroup getInstance()

global static BusinessGroup getInstance(OrderApi__Business_Group__c BusinessGroup)


Name Type Description
BusinessGroup OrderApi__Business_Group__c undefined

global static BusinessGroup[] getInstance(OrderApi__Business_Group__c[] BusinessGroups)


Name Type Description
BusinessGroups List<OrderApi__Business_Group__c> undefined

global virtual override void fromSObject(SObject BusinessGroupObj)


Name Type Description
BusinessGroupObj SObject undefined

global override SObject toSObject()


Name Type Description
id Id
ownerId Id
isDeleted Boolean
name String
createdDate Datetime
createdById Id
lastModifiedDate Datetime
lastModifiedById Id
systemModstamp Datetime
lastViewedDate Datetime
lastReferencedDate Datetime
aRAccount Id Required Business groups require a relationship to a default A/R account.
businessEntityType String Optional/When Applicable Specify the Legal Entity Type for the Business Group.
calculateSalesTax Boolean When checked, enables the tax related validations and calculations.
creditMemoAccount Id Link to the GL Account used to create new credit memo receipts linked to this business group.
customerSupportURL String Fully qualified URL is required. A fully qualified URL contains the http:// (or https://www). If the URL is just your domain, the trailing / should also be provided.
defaultPaymentGateway Id Defines the Default Payment Gateway to the related Business Group.
depositAccount Id System Calculated/Override The default deposit account to use for posting cash entry transactions.
description String Briefly describe the ledger as you would like to see it on a report. (72 Chars. or less)
displayName String System Calculated Override The name that should be displayed when the Business Group is referenced on Invoices and other external pages and documents. Defaults to the "Name" defined for the Business Group.
email String System Calculated The email address to display to customers on Invoices and related documents.
enableShippingByOrderTotal Boolean When selected, customers will see a single shipping rate for the entire order. Otherwise, customers will see shipping rates for each unique item in their order. In either case, shipping is calculated only for items that have "Require Shipping" enabled.
homepageURL String Fully qualified URL is required. A fully qualified URL contains the http:// (or https://www). If the URL is just your domain, the trailing / should also be provided.
invoiceFooterHTML String Custom message that displays at the bottom of all invoices.
invoiceFooter String Custom message that displays at the bottom of all invoices and receipts.
invoiceHeaderFieldsetCSV String Stores the custom fieldsets of an invoice header as a CSV.
invoiceHeaderHTML String Custom message that displays at the top of all invoices.
invoiceHeader String Custom message that displays at the top of all invoices and receipts.
invoiceLinesFieldset String Stores the custom fieldsets of an invoice line as a CSV.
invoiceOverPaymentCreditMemoLimit Decimal When an invoice is overpaid by an amount less than or equal to the value of this field, a new credit memo will be created and applied against the customer's account automatically.
invoicePageOverride String Defines the custom page that will be shown when clicking on a invoice link
invoiceWriteOffAccount Id Link to the GL Account used to write-off remaining balances for Invoices linked to this Business Group.
invoiceWriteOffLimit Decimal When an Invoice is underpaid by an amount lesser or equal to the value of this field, the Invoice will automatically adjust itself and write off the remaining balance due.
isMaster Boolean When checked, the Business Group is enabled for e-invoicing and can connect to a Payment Gateway for e-payment processing. When unchecked, a Parent Business Group must be designated. Defaults checked.
mailingAddress String System Calculated Required Override The address to display on Invoices and related documents that reference the Business Group. Defaults from the Organization settings.
merchantLocation String Some gateways allow you to customize the location of the merchant that appears on customer's credit card statements. (Optional) provide a merchant location descriptor.
merchantName String Some gateways allow you to customize the name that appears on customer's credit card statements. (Optional) provide a custom merchant name descriptor.
parentBusinessGroup Id Lookup Relationship to Business Group. Create a hierarchy of Business Groups by department, legal entity, etc. to improve Financial Reporting.
phone String System Calculated Override The phone number to display to customers on Invoices and related documents. Defaults to the Organization's phone number.
proformaInvoiceAuthenticationRequired Boolean When checked, the customer paying a proforma invoice will be forced to authenticate prior to accepting payment.
proformaInvoiceEmailBody String The default message used as part of the "Send Proforma Email" Workflow
proformaInvoiceEmailFromAddress String The value in this field will auto-populate the sender's email address for proforma emails manually sent to your customers. User's email is used if left blank. This field is not available for automated emails (i.e. auto renewal emails).
proformaInvoiceEmailFromName String The value in this field will auto-populate the sender's name for proforma emails manually sent to your customers. User's Name is used if left blank. This field is not available for automated emails (i.e. auto renewal emails).
proformaInvoiceEmailSubject String The default subject of the proforma invoice email sent to your customers. Your user's email will be used if this field is left blank.
proformaInvoiceFooter String The contents of this field will display inside the Footer of all proforma invoice documents generated from Sales Orders linked to this Business Group.
proformaInvoiceHeader String The contents of this field will display inside the header of all proforma invoice documents generated from Sales Orders linked to this Business Group.
receiptFooterHTML String Custom message that displays at the bottom of all receipts.
receiptHeaderFieldsetCSV String Stores the custom fieldsets of a receipt header as a CSV.
receiptHeaderHTML String Custom message that displays at the top of all receipts.
receiptLinesFieldset String Stores the custom fieldsets of a receipt line as a CSV.
receiptPageOverride String Defines the custom page that will be shown when clicking on a receipt link
requiredTaxFieldsCSV String Enter the API name of the Sales Order Billing address field the system will require on checkout. (Ex. Billing_State__c)
shippingRateBasis String Select whether you want shipping to be calculated based on item weight or item value (price).
theme Id Link to the Theme to use for the Business Group's eInvoicing portal.
transfersPayableAccount Id The GL Account to use for intracompany transfer payable transactions.
transfersReceivableAccount Id The GL Account to use for intracompany transfer receivable transactions.
type String List of Business Group Types (Department, Affiliate, Partner, Etc.). Select the most appropriate type from the list.
currencyISOCode String