Catalog wrapped object with camel case properties. Each properties maps to a field on the SObject that has _ for each capital letter. Ex. (catalogFilters -> Catalog_Filters__c)
Maps To: OrderApi__Catalog__c

Primary control for the display of a group of Items in a Store

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method and Description
void Catalog()
Catalog getInstance()
Catalog getInstance(OrderApi__Catalog__c catalogObj)
Catalog getInstance(OrderApi__Catalog__c catalogObj,String className)
void fromSObject(SObject catalogObj)
void toSObject()

Method Detail

This class supports the following methods:

global Catalog()

Catalog Constructor that should not be called directly.

global static Catalog getInstance()

Get base instance with no initial S0bject.

global static Catalog getInstance(OrderApi__Catalog__c catalogObj)

Get base instance with an initial SObject.

Name Type Description
catalogObj OrderApi__Catalog__c OrderApi__Catalog__c

global static Catalog getInstance(OrderApi__Catalog__c catalogObj,String className)

Get base instance with an initial SObject.

Name Type Description
catalogObj OrderApi__Catalog__c OrderApi__Catalog__c
className String String

global virtual override void fromSObject(SObject catalogObj)


Name Type Description
catalogObj SObject undefined

global virtual override SObject toSObject()


Name Type Description
id String
name String
catalogFilters String Lists the filters to be displayed in the left side of the page when on the current catalog. Displays as defined in the field.
parent String
displayFeaturedItems Boolean Checking this box displays all featured items within this catalog and any child catalogs at the top of the page.
displayOrder Integer Display order of catalogs that will be displayed on campaign pages
placeholderImage String Image to display if item does not have it's own image
catalogObj OrderApi__Catalog__c