CreditMemo wrapped object with camel case properties. Each properties maps to a field on the SObject that has _ for each capital letter. Ex. (catalogFilters -> Catalog_Filters__c)
Maps To: OrderApi__Credit_Memo__c

Credit Memos track revenue received as additional payment.

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method and Description
void CreditMemo()
void getInstance()
void getInstance(OrderApi__Credit_Memo__c CreditMemo)
void getInstance(OrderApi__Credit_Memo__c[] CreditMemos)
void fromSObject(SObject CreditMemoObj)
void toSObject()

Method Detail

This class supports the following methods:

global CreditMemo()

global static CreditMemo getInstance()

global static CreditMemo getInstance(OrderApi__Credit_Memo__c CreditMemo)


Name Type Description
CreditMemo OrderApi__Credit_Memo__c undefined

global static CreditMemo[] getInstance(OrderApi__Credit_Memo__c[] CreditMemos)


Name Type Description
CreditMemos List<OrderApi__Credit_Memo__c> undefined

global override void fromSObject(SObject CreditMemoObj)


Name Type Description
CreditMemoObj SObject undefined

global override SObject toSObject()


Name Type Description
id Id
name String
account Id System Calculated/Override Link to the customer's account record. Auto-populates with the related contact's parent account if not defined prior to entry.
amount Decimal System Calculated/Override Total over payments received.
businessGroup Id System Calculated/Override Link to the business group record - business groups will auto-populate if not defined on entry.
contact Id System Calculated/Override Link to the customer's contact record. Auto-populates with the related account's primary contact if not defined prior to entry.
creditAccount Id System Calculated/Override The account to use for crediting additional revenue received. Default value is the linked Business Group's Credit Memo account.
customerLink String System Calculated Link to the customer record.
debitAccount Id System Calculated/Override The GL account to use when posting to debit. Default value is the linked Business Group's writeoff account.
entity String Required Select "Account" if the Credit Memo should be added to the related account, select "Contact" if the Credit Memo should be added to the related "Contact".
invoice Id Invoice where the OverPayment is made.
isDrafted Boolean When checked, the credit memo is in a draft status.
isPosted Boolean When checked, the credit memo creates transactions.
postedDate Date System Calculated/Override The date the Credit Memo was posted.
remainingAmount Decimal System Calculated Total - Applied
status String System Calculated/Override Primary indicator of the credit memo's current status. Default value is "Draft".
appliedAmount Decimal System Calculated The total amount of credit memo lines that have been posted related to this Credit Memo.