CreditNote wrapped object with camel case properties. Each properties maps to a field on the SObject that has _ for each capital letter. Ex. (catalogFilters -> Catalog_Filters__c)
Maps To: OrderApi__Credit_Note__c

Credit Notes track negative adjustments made to invoices.

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method and Description
void CreditNote()
void getInstance()
void getInstance(OrderApi__Credit_Note__c creditNote)
void getInstance(OrderApi__Credit_Note__c[] creditNotes)
void fromSObject(SObject creditNoteObj)
void toSObject()

Method Detail

This class supports the following methods:

global CreditNote()

global static CreditNote getInstance()

global static CreditNote getInstance(OrderApi__Credit_Note__c creditNote)


Name Type Description
creditNote OrderApi__Credit_Note__c undefined

global static CreditNote[] getInstance(OrderApi__Credit_Note__c[] creditNotes)


Name Type Description
creditNotes List<OrderApi__Credit_Note__c> undefined

global override void fromSObject(SObject creditNoteObj)


Name Type Description
creditNoteObj SObject undefined

global override SObject toSObject()


Name Type Description
id Id
ownerId Id
isDeleted Boolean
name String
createdDate Datetime
createdById Id
lastModifiedDate Datetime
lastModifiedById Id
account Id System Calculated/Override Link to the customer's account record. Auto-populates with the related account's primary contact if not defined prior to entry.
billingCity String The value of this field will be updated with the Account's Billing City or Contact's Mailing City, based on "Entity" if not defined on record entry.
billingCountry String The value of this field will be updated with the Account's Billing Country or Contact's Mailing Country, based on "Entity" if not defined on record entry.
billingPostalCode String The value of this field will be updated with the Account's Billing Postal Code or Contact's Mailing Postal Code, based on "Entity" if not defined on record entry.
billingState String The value of this field will be updated with the Account's Billing State or Contact's Mailing State, based on "Entity" if not defined on record entry.
billingStreet String System Calculated/Conditional Billing Street derives from the Contact Mailing Street or the Account Billing Street when Calculate Billing Details is checked.
contact Id System Calculated/Override Link to the customer's contact record. Auto-populates with the related account's primary contact if not defined prior to entry.
customer String System Calculated Link to the customer's record, controlled by the "Entity" field.
creditNoteDate Date
entity String Required Select "Account" if the credit note should be applied to the related account, select "Contact" if the credit note should be applied to the related "Contact".
invoiceNumber String Invoice number related to the Invoice.
invoice Id System Calculated/Override Link to the invoice that generated the credit note.
isPosted Boolean Checked if the credit note has been posted and transactions (journal entries) have been created.
memo String Optional memo that will display on the credit note sent to the customer as well as on customer statements.
postedDate Date System Calculated/Override The date the transaction posted.
total Decimal System Calculated Sum of all adjustment lines
currencyISOCode String