Item wrapped object with camel case properties. Each properties maps to a field on the SObject that has _ for each capital letter. Ex. (itemClass -> Item_Class__c)

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method and Description
void Item()
Item getInstance()
Item getInstance(OrderApi__Item__c itemObj)
Item getInstance(OrderApi__Item__c itemObj,String className)
List<Item> getInstance(List itemObjs)
List<Item> getInstance(List itemObjs,String className)
Object Value from SObject getFieldValueFromSObject(String fieldName)
void fromSObject(SObject itemObj)
void toSObject()

Method Detail

This class supports the following methods:

global Item()

Item Constructor that should not be called directly.

global static Item getInstance()

Get base instance with no initial S0bject.

global static Item getInstance(OrderApi__Item__c itemObj)

Get base instance with an initial SObject.

Name Type Description
itemObj OrderApi__Item__c OrderApi__Item__c

global static Item getInstance(OrderApi__Item__c itemObj,String className)

Get base instance with an initial SObject.

Name Type Description
itemObj OrderApi__Item__c OrderApi__Item__c
className String String

global static List<Item> getInstance(List<OrderApi__Item__c> itemObjs)

Get base instance with list of initial SObjects.

Name Type Description
itemObjs List<OrderApi__Item__c> List

global static List<Item> getInstance(List<OrderApi__Item__c> itemObjs,String className)

Get base instance with list of initial SObjects.

Name Type Description
itemObjs List<OrderApi__Item__c> List
className String String

global virtual override Object getFieldValueFromSObject(String fieldName)

Get value from the SObject where the system will not throw an error if you do not query the field. This will also allow users to query fields that Fonteva does not ship.

Name Type Description
fieldName String String

global virtual override void fromSObject(SObject itemObj)


Name Type Description
itemObj SObject undefined

global virtual override SObject toSObject()


Name Type Description
id String
itemClass Id
name String
displayName String
price Decimal
lineDescription String
eStoreDescription String
description String
inventoryMessage String
imageUrl String
currencyISOCode String
disablePriceRules Boolean
isContribution Boolean
isSubscription Boolean
enableCancellationRequest Boolean
requireAssignments Boolean
isTaxable Boolean
taxClass Id
isMultiCurrency Boolean
form Id
renewalForm Id
interviewFormDisplayLabel String
assignmentInstructions String
assignmentsDisplayLabel String
enableAssignments Boolean
eStoreShortDescription String
images List
priceRules List
subscriptionPlans List
itemPackageItems List
hasIncludedItems Boolean
isTax Boolean
isShippingCarrier Boolean
taxLocale Id
taxPercent Decimal
isDefaultShippingRate Boolean
isDefaultTaxRate Boolean