PaymentGateway wrapped object with camel case properties. Each properties maps to a field on the SObject that has _ for each capital letter. Ex. (businessGroup -> Business_Group__c)

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method and Description
void PaymentGateway()
void getInstance()
void getInstance(OrderApi__Payment_Gateway__c PaymentGateway)
void getInstance(OrderApi__Payment_Gateway__c[] PaymentGateway)
void fromSObject(SObject PaymentGatewayObj)
void toSObject()

Method Detail

This class supports the following methods:

global PaymentGateway()

global static PaymentGateway getInstance()

global static PaymentGateway getInstance(OrderApi__Payment_Gateway__c PaymentGateway)


Name Type Description
PaymentGateway OrderApi__Payment_Gateway__c undefined

global static PaymentGateway[] getInstance(OrderApi__Payment_Gateway__c[] PaymentGateway)


Name Type Description
PaymentGateway List<OrderApi__Payment_Gateway__c> undefined

global override void fromSObject(SObject PaymentGatewayObj)


Name Type Description
PaymentGatewayObj SObject undefined

global override SObject toSObject()


Name Type Description
id Id
ownerId Id
isDeleted Boolean
name String
createdDate Datetime
createdById Id
lastModifiedDate Datetime
lastModifiedById Id
systemModstamp Datetime
aVSConfiguration String
attempt3DS Boolean
businessGroup Id
companyName String
depositAccount Id
enableAVSZipCodeOnly Boolean
enableAVS Boolean
gatewaySpecificFields String
gatewayType String
homepage String
isEnabled Boolean
isOffsite Boolean
isTest Boolean
postOrdersInProcesing Boolean
preAuthorizationPurchases Boolean
requireCVV Boolean
requireEmail Boolean
requirePhone Boolean
state String
supportedCountries String
supportedCreditCardsImage String
supportedRegions String
supports3DSPurchase Boolean
supportsAuthorize Boolean
supportsCapture Boolean
supportsCreditCard Boolean
supportsCredit Boolean
supportsEFT Boolean
supportsOffsiteAuthorize Boolean
supportsVerify Boolean
supportsVoid Boolean
supportsECheck Boolean
token String
useOffsite Boolean