PaymentMethod wrapped object with camel case properties. Each properties maps to a field on the SObject that has _ for each capital letter. Ex. (cardType -> Card_Type__c)

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method and Description
void PaymentMethod()
void getInstance()
void getInstance(OrderApi__Payment_Method__c PaymentMethod)
void getInstance(OrderApi__Payment_Method__c[] PaymentMethod)
List<PaymentMethod> getInstance(List paymentMethodObjs,String className)
void fromSObject(SObject PaymentMethodObj)
void toSObject()

Method Detail

This class supports the following methods:

global PaymentMethod()

global static PaymentMethod getInstance()

global static PaymentMethod getInstance(OrderApi__Payment_Method__c PaymentMethod)


Name Type Description
PaymentMethod OrderApi__Payment_Method__c undefined

global static PaymentMethod[] getInstance(OrderApi__Payment_Method__c[] PaymentMethod)


Name Type Description
PaymentMethod List<OrderApi__Payment_Method__c> undefined

global static List<PaymentMethod> getInstance(List<OrderApi__Payment_Method__c> paymentMethodObjs,String className)

Get base instance with list of initial SObjects.

Name Type Description
paymentMethodObjs List<OrderApi__Payment_Method__c> List
className String String

global virtual override void fromSObject(SObject PaymentMethodObj)


Name Type Description
PaymentMethodObj SObject undefined

global virtual override SObject toSObject()


Name Type Description
id Id
ownerId Id
isDeleted Boolean
name String
createdDate Datetime
createdById Id
lastModifiedDate Datetime
lastModifiedById Id
systemModstamp Datetime
lastViewedDate Datetime
lastReferencedDate Datetime
aPIResponse String
account Id
bankAccountHolderType String
bankAccountType String
bankName String
bankRoutingNumber String
billingCity String
billingCountry String
billingPostalCode String
billingState String
billingStreet String
cardType String
contact Id
customPaymentMethod Id
customPaymentType Id
customerID String
customer String
description String
eligibleForCardUpdater Boolean
email String
entity String
expDate Date
firstSixDigits String
fullName String
isActive Boolean
isDeclined Boolean
isExpired Boolean
isRestricted Boolean
isThirdParty Boolean
isValid Boolean
lastFourDigits String
month Integer
maskedAccountNumber String
overrideEdit String
paymentMethodToken String
paymentMethodType String
phone String
year Integer
gatewayToken String