SalesOrder wrapped object with camel case properties. Each properties maps to a field on the SObject that has _ for each capital letter. Ex. (businessGroup -> Business_Group__c)
Maps To: OrderApi__Sales_Order__c

Sales Orders are the primary object for all sales related transactions.

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method and Description
void getInstance()
void getInstance(OrderApi__Sales_Order__c so)
void getInstance(OrderApi__Sales_Order__c[] sos)
void SalesOrder()
void fromSObject(SObject salesOrderObj)
void toSObject()

Method Detail

This class supports the following methods:

global static SalesOrder getInstance()

global static SalesOrder getInstance(OrderApi__Sales_Order__c so)


Name Type Description
so OrderApi__Sales_Order__c undefined

global static SalesOrder[] getInstance(OrderApi__Sales_Order__c[] sos)


Name Type Description
sos List<OrderApi__Sales_Order__c> undefined

global SalesOrder()

SalesOrderLine Constructor that should not be called directly.

global virtual override void fromSObject(SObject salesOrderObj)


Name Type Description
salesOrderObj SObject undefined

global virtual override SObject toSObject()


Name Type Description
lines List
isMultiCurrencyOrg Boolean
paymentGateway String System Calculated The related payment gateway.
sourceCode Id System Calculated/Override Link to Source Code.
entity String Required Select "Account" if the related the account is responsible payment of the customer order, Select "Contact" if the related contact is responsible payment of the customer order.
businessGroup Id System Calculated/Override Link to the business group record - business groups will auto-populate if not defined on entry.
account Id System Calculated/Override Link to the customer's account record. Auto-populates with the related contact's parent account if not defined prior to entry.
contact Id System Calculated/Override Link to the customer's contact record. Auto-populates with the related account's primary contact if not defined prior to entry.
id Id
total Decimal System Calculated. Subtotal +
currencyISOCode String
paymentTerms String The payment terms for the sales order. If not defined on record creation the default terms defined in the admin settings are used.
invoiceDate Date System Calculated/Conditional/Override The date to use as the Invoice Date for any Invoice generated from the Sales Order only applies to Sales Orders where Is Scheduled is not set to true.
closedDate Date The date the Sales Order was closed.
status String The status of the Sales Order.
isPosted Boolean When checked all Invoices related to the Sales Order will post an receivable transaction to the GL.
isPendingPayment Boolean When checked, the related Sales Order is pending payment due to offsite payment or shippable items.
isClosed Boolean System Calculated/Override Checked when the Sales Order is closed. Sales Orders close automatically when paid in full by the customer, when a contract expires, or when a contract/recurring Sales Order is cancelled.
postingEntity String System Calculated/Override The entity the Sales Order posted too. Sales Orders either post through an Invoice(s) or through a single Receipt as a Cash Sale.
dueDate Date System Calculated Invoice Date field + Payment Term.Variable
name String
isProforma Boolean When this field is checked, this sales order will be displayed in the community.
receipt Id