SalesOrderLine wrapped object with camel case properties. Each properties maps to a field on the SObject that has _ for each capital letter. Ex. (isShippingRate -> Is_Shipping_Rate__c)
Maps To: OrderApi__Sales_Order_Line__c

Sales Order Lines track the Items associated with Sales Orders.

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method and Description
SalesOrderLine getInstance()
SalesOrderLine getInstance(OrderApi__Sales_Order_Line__c sol)
List<SalesOrderLine> getInstance(List sols)
List<SalesOrderLine> getInstance(List sols,String className)
void SalesOrderLine()
void fromSObject(SObject salesOrderLineObj)
void toSObject()

Method Detail

This class supports the following methods:

global static SalesOrderLine getInstance()

Get base instance with no initial S0bject.

global static SalesOrderLine getInstance(OrderApi__Sales_Order_Line__c sol)

Get base instance with an initial SObject.

Name Type Description
sol OrderApi__Sales_Order_Line__c OrderApi__Sales_Order_Line__c

global static List<SalesOrderLine> getInstance(List<OrderApi__Sales_Order_Line__c> sols)

Get base instance with list of initial SObjects.

Name Type Description
sols List<OrderApi__Sales_Order_Line__c> List

global static List<SalesOrderLine> getInstance(List<OrderApi__Sales_Order_Line__c> sols,String className)

Get base instance with list of initial SObjects.

Name Type Description
sols List<OrderApi__Sales_Order_Line__c> List
className String Sring

global SalesOrderLine()

SalesOrderLine Constructor that should not be called directly.

global virtual override void fromSObject(SObject salesOrderLineObj)


Name Type Description
salesOrderLineObj SObject undefined

global virtual override SObject toSObject()


Name Type Description
isTax Boolean Defines the Sales Order Line that is being used for tax.
isShippingRate Boolean Defines the Sales Order Line that is being used for shipping.
quantity Integer Conditionally Required The quantity (number of units) of the item related to the sales order line. Required when an Item is linked that does not have "Disable Price Rules" checked. Default 1.
priceOverride Boolean Overrides the calculation of price based on the most appropriate price for the purchasing customer. Default is unchecked.
systemOverride Boolean SYSTEM Overrides the calculation of price and Price rule. Default is unchecked.
id Id
shippingMethod String Lookup to select a Shipping Method associated with the Sales Order Line.
entity String Conditionally Required Select "Account" to assign the Item on the Sales Order Line to the linked "Account" field -- otherwise select "Contact". Defaults to the value of the same field on the Sales Order.
salePrice Decimal System Calculated/Override The price per-unit for the item sold on the sales order line.
salesOrderLine Id Sales Order Lines that link to "Package" Items will include the Items into the Sales Order as new Sales Order Lines which will have a parent/child relationship with the Sales Order Line that links to the "Package" Item.
displayItem Boolean By checking this field you are choosing the item to be displayed on the shopping cart, checkout, and receipt pages.
item Id Link to the item related to the sales order.
priceRule Id The price rule related to the sales order line. When added or changed, the unit price will reflect the price defined on the price rule.
total Decimal System Calculated Total amount of Sales Order Line
taxPercent Decimal Combined with the Parent Sale Order Line's Sales Price, this field is used to calculate the tax amount for the related item.
salesOrder Id Required All Sales Order Lines require a linked Sales Order.
packageItem String System Calculated / Conditionally Required Creates a relationship to the Package Item when the Sales Order Line is created as a result of purchasing the parent package item.
lineDescription String Optional line description will be added to sales orders, invoices, receipts, and detailed customer statements. If blank, the value of this field will match the value of the related item's "Line Description" field.
subtotal Decimal System Calculated Sale Price * Quantity
listPrice Decimal System Calculated The standard price for the item selected on the sales order line.
ticketType Id
scheduleItem Id
isMultiCurrencyOrg Boolean
currencyISOCode String
contact Id Conditionally Required System Calculated Override Link to the Contact who is the primary assignee of the Item purchased on the Sales Order Line. Required if "Enable Assignments" is checked on the related Item. Defaults to the Sales Order Contact.
account Id Conditionally Required System Calculated Override Link to the Account that is assigned to the Sales Order Line -- valid if the linked "Item" "Enable Assignments" is checked, and the "Entity" is set to "Account". Defaults to the Sales Order "Account".
isRenewal Boolean When checked, related Sales Order Line is considered as "Subscription Renewal".
isValid Boolean When an Item that requires certain options or assignments is linked to the line, the line is considered "Invalid" until all requirements are met. Defaults checked for Items with no requirements, otherwise defaults unchecked.
isAmendment Boolean When checked, related Sales Order Line is considered as "Subscription Amendment"
isPosted Boolean When checked all Invoices related to the Sales Order will post an receivable transaction to the GL.
isSubscription Boolean System Calculated Checked when the Sales Order Line is linked to a "Subscription" Item.
enableAutoRenew Boolean When checked, the subscription will automatically attempt to renew itself by charging the related Payment Method. Defaults unchecked.
isRequiredPackageItem Boolean System Calculated Checked when the sales order line is linked to a package item where "Is Required" is also checked.
autoCalculateActivationDate Boolean System Calculated Override Valid if the Sales Order Line is related to a "Subscription" Item. When checked, the system will automatically calculate the "Activation Date" based on conditions set on the selected "Subscription Plan". Defaults checked.
subscription Id Link to the Subscription that is being upgraded or renewed.
sponsorPackage Id
subscriptionPlan Id Conditionally Required Link to the related plan that controls Activation and Expiration dates related to any Subscription Item. Required when the Sales Order Line is linked to a Item that is the child of a "Subscription" Item Class.
autoRenew Boolean
isRequiredScheduleItem Boolean
event Id
lines List
CreatedDate String
LastModifiedDate String
subscriptionStartDate Date The date in this field defines the subscription's start date.
endDate Date System Calculated Override Conditionally Required The date the Subscription will be ended is calculated based on conditions set on the related Subscription Plan and Activation Date.
activationDate Date System Calculated Override Conditionally Required The date the Subscription will be activated is calculated based on conditions set on the related Subscription Plan and can be manually over-ridden if "Auto Calculate Activation Date" is unchecked.
businessGroup Id System Calculated/Override Default value is mapped from the parent sales order. The Business Group controls what items are available to associate with the order line. If no value exists, all active items will be allowed to be associated.
doNotCollectPayment Boolean When checked, the related Sales Order Line will not be added to the EPayment and Receipt. Customer will not be charged for this Sales Order Line.
isInstallmentCalculated Boolean System Calculated Checked if sol type is installment and if the amount is Calculated.
totalInstallmentPrice Decimal System Calculated Total amount of all the installments created as a result of this sales order line.
shippingState String Optional shipping state for the item's ordered on the order line. If left blank, the value of this field will be updated with the value of the parent order's "Shipping State" field.
IsDeleted Boolean
CreatedById Id
LastModifiedById Id
SystemModstamp Datetime
activeAssignments Integer System Calculated Number of Active Assignments. Valid and restricted to Items where "Enable Assignments" is checked. Defaults 0 if no Assignments found.
assignmentsAllowed Integer System Calculated If the Item "Enable Assignments" and "Restrict Number of Assignments" fields are checked, the Item "Maximum Number of Assignments" x the Line "Quantity" is set. Otherwise no value is set.
assignmentsAvailable Integer System Calculated If the Item "Restricts Number of Assignments" then Assignments Allowed - Active Assignments is set. Otherwise the value is null.
autoAssignAccountContacts Boolean Checked when a Auto Assign Rule set "All Account Contacts"
autoAssignContact Boolean Checked when Auto Assignment Rule set to "Contact"
autoAssignRule String Defines the Assignment creation rule for related Account or Contact.
autoAssign Boolean When it is checked, assignment records will be created depending on "Auto Assign Rule".
calculateShippingDetails Boolean Default checked. Copies the shipping information from the sales order.
disableScheduling Boolean Scheduling is disabled for this line and the total is added as a line to the first installment.
gLAccount Id System Calculated/Required/Override Link to the related GL Account.
itemClass Id System Calculated / Override Link to the related Item Class.
paymentMethod Id Conditionally Required Required if a Subscription Item and Subscription Plan configuration has "Require Valid Payment Method" checked. The Payment Method must also be related to the purchasing/subscribing Account or Contact.
requiredPackageItems Decimal This field aggregates the total number of required package items needed to fulfill a sales order with this item.
shippingCity String Optional shipping city for the item's ordered on the order line. If left blank, the value of this field will be updated with the value of the parent order's "Shipping City" field.
shippingContact String Optional shipping contact for the item's ordered on the sales order line. If left blank, the value of this field will be updated with the value of the parent sales order's "Shipping Contact" field.
shippingCountry String Optional shipping country for the item's ordered on the order line. If left blank, the value of this field will be updated with the value of the parent order's "Shipping Country" field.
shippingPostalCode String Optional shipping postal code for the item's ordered on the order line. If left blank, the value of this field will be updated with the value of the parent order's '"Shipping Postal Code" field.
shippingStreet String Optional shipping street for the item's ordered on the order line. If left blank, the value of this field will be updated with the value of the parent order's "Shipping Street" field.
shippingTrackingNumber String Field for admins to input a Shipping Tracking Number.
taxOverride Boolean This field is used to override any tax calculations by the system.
attendee Id
taxAmount Decimal This field shows the total amount of tax that is applied for the item.
totalWithTax Decimal The total amount of the line with tax included.
itemTaxPercent Decimal Item Tax Percent
parentIsInstallmentCalculated Boolean Parent Is Installment Calculated
parentTotalInstallmentPrice Decimal Parent Total Installment Price
parentTotal Decimal Parent Total
parentForeignKey String System Field, For Coding purposes only. Used to efficiently insert sales order lines and its related child sales order lines in our system.
foreignKey String System Field, For Coding purposes only. Used to efficiently insert sales order lines and its related child sales order lines in our system.
incomplete Boolean When checked this Sales Order Line is identified as a line that has not been fully completed to be added to the cart.