SubscriptionPlan wrapped object with camel case properties. Each properties maps to a field on the SObject that has _ for each capital letter. Ex. (isActive -> Is_Active__c)

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method and Description
SubscriptionPlan getInstance()
SubscriptionPlan getInstance(OrderApi__Subscription_Plan__c sub)
List<SubscriptionPlan> getInstance(List subs)
void SubscriptionPlan()

Method Detail

This class supports the following methods:

global static SubscriptionPlan getInstance()

Get base instance with no initial S0bject.

global static SubscriptionPlan getInstance(OrderApi__Subscription_Plan__c sub)

Get base instance with an initial SObject.

Name Type Description
sub OrderApi__Subscription_Plan__c OrderApi__Subscription_Plan__c

global static List<SubscriptionPlan> getInstance(List<OrderApi__Subscription_Plan__c> subs)

Get base instance with list of initial SObjects.

Name Type Description
subs List<OrderApi__Subscription_Plan__c> List

global SubscriptionPlan()

SubscriptionPlan Constructor that should not be called directly.


Name Type Description
id Id
name String
description String
isActive Boolean
type String
autoRenewOption String
billCycleDay String
billCycleMonth String
calenderEndDay String
calenderEndMonth String
gracePeriod String
scheduleType String
scheduleFrequency String
prorationRule String
renewalTermMonths String
preTermRenewalWindow Decimal
postTermRenewalWindow Decimal
disableRenew Boolean
enableAutomaticInvoicePayment Boolean
enableSchedule Boolean
requirePaymentMethod Boolean
paymentSettingsInstructions String
itemRenewalInstructions String
isDefault Boolean